Smile Designing

Smile designing is an advanced method which can change the position, structure, shape and colour of your teeth. The procedure that usually takes around 3-5 days is the most sought after smile makeover procedure in the hospital.

Missing teeth

Injury caused broken front tooth? Don’t you worry! We can replace the tooth in a day. In fact, if you do not like the appearance of adjacent teeth, that can be changed too.


Overlapping front teeth happen to capture a lot of food and later cause gum problems. If you have less time for dental treatment, you can get them aligned in 3-5 days with smile designing.


Yellow teeth that cannot be whitened using scaling or bleaching can be corrected quickly using our smile designing procedures.


When you have gaps in your teeth and want to close them without braces, smile designing is your go to procedure.


When patients are upset about outwardly placed teeth, we give them the desired smile with smile designing.

Broken teeth

Broken teeth can easily be put back into natural looks using smile designing.